Would you like to advertise your food-related business to thousands of people interested in cooking, baking and any adventure in the kitchen in general??
JustEasyRecipes is an affordable place to advertise your foodie business, whether you run a cooking school, healthy meal delivery service or sell tasty homemade food products, JustEasyRecipes has a huge following that grows by the day! This makes it a wise place to showcase your talents!
Currently, we have over 200 000 page views a month and over 6800 Facebook fans (March 2013).
Please have a look at the various advertising options below….we even include a FREE advertising option in the form of giveaways.
ADVERTISING OPTIONS (all prices include VAT):
Top Banner – 728 x 90 pixels
- 200 000 + page views
- R5000 per month
Right Sidebar Banners – 196 x 90 pixels (limited to 6 banners)
- 200 000 + page views
- R500 per month
Submit a Branded Recipe
- Featured on front page for 4 weeks
- Pinned to Pinterest Account
- Uploaded to Facebook Page
- Tweeted link on Twitter
- Includes link back to your website from the recipe
- Includes up to 3 images on the recipe page which can be re-pinned to Pinterest by readers
- R1250
FREE Advertising: Sponsor a Giveaway on JustEasyRecipes
- The giveaway must be related to the subject area of food/recipes/cooking
- The giveaway item must be of significant value / generate significant interest
- Please send your request to sponsor a giveaway to louise(at)justeasyrecipes.co.za for review
- The giveaway will be promoted on our website as well as Facebook and Pinterest
INTERESTED? Contact me for more information: louise(at)justeasyrecipes.co.za