An easy recipe for making delicious, creamy, homemade Almond Milk with step-by-step instructions and photos Almonds are soaked for 6-12 hours then blended with water, cinnamon, salt and vanilla extract. Sieve for a smooth milk or drink as is for a wholesome grainy almond milk. Both are delicious!

Making almond milk is very simple and easy to do at home and the best part is that it tastes even better than store-bought almond milk.
What is so special about Almond Milk you may ask? Well for starters, making your own almond milk allows you to avoid additives, emulsifiers, preservatives and thickeners that may be present in store-bought almond milks. Secondly, although Almond milk has less protein than dairy milk, it contains less calories, is lactose-free and contains significant amounts of vitamin D, E and calcium (although not as much as cow’s milk).
My personal favourite is to drink this milk with Chai tea – it just takes Chai tea to the next level!

Main Ingredients for Almond Milk
- Almonds
- Water
- Flavourings: Cinnamon, Vanilla Extract, Sugar
Ratio of Almonds to Water
Generally you can get away with 1 cup almonds to 4 cups of water however I like a richer almond milk and so like to do 2 cups almond milk to 4 cups of water. Play around to see which you prefer. If it comes down to cost, then definitely do 1 cup almonds to 4 cups water.
How Many Almonds do I need to make 1 litre of milk.
You only need 1 cup of almonds to make 1 litre of Almond Milk as you will add 4 cups of water to the blender. 1 cup of water is 250ml and 4 x 250ml equal 1 litre. If you would like a creamier milk as this recipe suggests, I would do 2 cups of almonds and 4 cups of water.
How do You make Almond Milk?
- Soak: Soak the almonds in 2 cups of water or just so that they are well covered. Soak for 6-12 hours.
- Discard the Water: Drain the water and rinse the almonds
- Blend: Place Nuts in a Blender with 4 cups of water, cinnamon, salt and vanilla extract and then blitz them until smooth and frothy, at least one minute or so.
- Drink: You can drink the milk just like this or if you want smooth Almond Milk, line a sieve with Muslin cloth and place the sieve over a large bowl. Pour the Almond Milk in and allow the liquid to strain through. Once most of the liquid has passed through, pull up the edges of the muslin cloth and squeeze the remaining milk out of the muslin cloth.
- Sweeten: Optional step but to sweeten, add a tablespoon or even less of honey, agave or maple syrup and stir through.
- Store: Place milk in a clean glass jar or bottle with a lid and store in the fridge. Shake before using.
Step-by-Step Instructions (with photos) on how to Make Homemade Almond Milk

Soak the almonds in 2 cups of water or just so that they are well covered. Soak for 6-12 hours. You can soak them in a bowl or a jar it really doesn’t matter.

They will swell quite a lot as they soften and absorb the water. Once they have soaked for a few hours (6-12), drain the water off (discard the water) and rinse the almonds.

Then place in a blender with 4 cups of water, a pinch of salt, a dash on cinnamon powder (1/4 tsp) and a tablespoon of vanilla extract.

Then blitz on high speed for a minute or so until you have a lovely white, creamy, frothy milk.

If you want a grainy milk, you can drink right away. Alternately, place a piece of muslin cloth over a fine mesh sieve and drain the milk from the pulp.

Once the milk has mostly drained through, grab the edges of the muslin cloth, squeeze as much of the remaining milk through as you can.

Taste your milk and if you feel it needs a little sweetening, swirl a tablespoon (or half) or honey, maple syrup, agave or even sugar through the milk. Now pour your milk into a clean jar or bottle. Enjoy cold! It will keep up to 5 days in the fridge. Shake before serving.
Questions and Answers about Making Homemade Almond Milk
What to do with leftover almond pulp?
You can add the pulp to oats or porridge. Alternatively you can dry it and add it to your favourite granola. You can even stir it into bread mixes or other baked goods. It could even be added to burger patties or savour dips. You can also compost the leftover pulp. The pulp will keep for up to 5 days in the fridge.
Why is my Homemade Almond Milk Sour?
Nuts contain oil and so they can go rancid after a while, especially if sitting at room temperature. Before making almond milk, taste them to see if they are hard and fresh and taste good!
How long will Almond Milk keep for in the fridge?
Almond milk will keep for up to 5 days in the fridge.
What happens if you don’t soak the almonds
You could land up with a slightly bitter taste to the milk. Soaking softens the nuts, making it easier to blend and therefore making a creamier, tastier milk.
How to make homemade almond milk taste better?
Almond milk is not sweet at all especially when you compare it to cow’s milk which contains the natural sugar lactose. You can add a tablespoon (or half) of agave, honey, or maple syrup to the mix after blending. Other than adding a little cinnamon powder to the milk, you could even place a cinnamon stick into the milk and allow the flavours to infuse into the milk. Yummy!
Should I use Filtered or Mineral or Tap Water?
You don’t have to use filtered water unless the quality of your tap water is poor. If you want to treat the water for pathogens (ie. Sterilise the water) you can boil water from the kettle and then allow to cool and use that.

How to Make Homemade Almond Milk
Prep Time: 6-12 Hours
Total Time: 0 hours
An easy recipe for making delicious, creamy, homemade Almond Milk with step-by-step instructions.
- 2 cups Almonds
- 4 cups water plus more for soaking
- Pinch of sea salt
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1 tablespoon honey, maple syrup or agave (optional)
- Soak: Soak the almonds in 2 cups of water or just so that they are well covered. Soak for 6-12 hours.
- Discard the Water: Drain the water and rinse the almonds
- Blend: Place Nuts in a Blender with 4 cups of water, salt, cinnamon and vanilla extract. Blitz on high speed until smooth and frothy, at least one minute or so.
- Drink: You can drink the milk just like this or if you want smooth Almond Milk, line a sieve with Muslin cloth and place the sieve over a large bowl. Pour the Almond Milk in and allow the liquid to strain through. Once most of the liquid has passed through, pull up the edges of the muslin cloth and squeeze the remaining milk out of the muslin cloth.
- Sweeten your milk if you like – add 1 tablespoon (or half) honey, syrup, agave or sugar and stir. Place milk in a clean glass jar or bottle with a lid and store in the fridge. Shake before using. Serve cold.

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