An easy, flavourful, French Onion soup recipe made with just a handful of ingredients. Hearty and wholesome, this classic French Onion Soup recipe takes approximately 1 hour 10 minutes to cook and 10 minutes or less to prepare. It’s worth all the time and more, I promise. I feel like I have tasted all the soups…
Soup Recipes
17 Super Easy Soup Recipes
Here you go, 17 easy soup recipes to inspire you on cold or rainy days. Soups, as you may know, is my all-time favourite kind of food and hence the reason I have so many soup recipes on this website. Enjoy them as simple yet wholesome family dinners, especially when you feel like everyone needs…
Easy Lentil Soup
This is a deliciously easy Lentil soup suitable for vegans. It comes together in 45 minutes or less and is packed with wholesome flavours and contains mainly pantry ingredients, hooray! It contains fibre, protein and an array of vitamins which makes this a healthy meal to make over and over again. The recipe will easily serve 4 people.
Cream of Chicken Soup
A dinner with basic pantry ingredients, this cream of chicken soup recipe really is soup for the soul! My kids love the simplicity of it and I love the fact that it comes together in 20 minutes. And I generally just love soup and the reason I have a whole section dedicated to it. The real secret of this recipe though, is…
Tom Kha Gai Soup
Happy New Year beautiful people! Let’s get the year started with a fresh and zesty Tom Kha Gai Soup! Tom Kha Gai soup is an absolute treat! It’s healthy and versatile enough to be turned into a vegetarian dish if needed and the wonderful thing about this soup, is that is is a meal in…
Tom’s Famous Soup
In my house, we call this soup “Tom’s Famous Soup” – the tastiest vegetable soup. It’s famous because, Thomas, our 10-year old son, created this recipe from scratch one afternoon and we all loved it so much that he made it again, and again and…. Any moms dream, right?! And the name just developed, like,…
Creamy Celery Soup
A nutritious bowl of Celery Soup with potato and fresh herbs that comes together in under 30 minutes. Packed with goodness, it is healing food for the heart, body and soul! As I mentioned last week, I LOVE soup, like really LOVE soup. So, following that, I make soup a lot, eat soup a lot…
Roasted Butternut and Red Pepper Soup
You may tell from the number of soup recipes on this website, that I really enjoy the idea of nutritious liquid in a bowl (or cup in this case). The toasted and buttered piece of ciabatta may also play a role in my soup-loving ways, for what is a soup without something to dunk in…
Red Lentil and Lemon Soup
I have never used raw lentils in a soup, until I tried this soup. For some reason I thought they took FOREVER to cook. Turns out, they only take 20 minutes, if that. So, it’s a good enough reason to keep that wholesome looking jar of red lentils in my pantry and a VERY good…
Easy Leek and Potato Soup
There are many reasons to love this tasty Leek & Potato soup! Firstly, look at the method, there are 7 ridiculously easy steps. When I look at recipes, I always do a quick glance of the method and it can be an instant turn-on or turn-off for me. Methods shouldn’t be essays, yes?? YES! Secondly, it…
Roasted Carrot and Ginger Soup
So weatherwise for February we are actually doing quite well. Friday last week was a SCORCHER. A little “Hello Announcement” from February. I remember this well because we held our littlest boys birthday party on Friday and we had about 300 kids in our swimming pool and I was running around sweating like a gypsy…
Finally My Kids Approved this Tomato and Parmesan Soup
My kids can be fussy little shits sometimes. Yours? Flip. Yoh! They liked tomato soup….from Woolworths. But that “healthy homemade” Woolies soup had waaaaaaay too much sugar for my liking. We are really trying to eat more whole foods and less sugar these days and I thought I could surely replicate their favourite soup but…