There are many reasons to love this tasty Leek & Potato soup! Firstly, look at the method, there are 7 ridiculously easy steps. When I look at recipes, I always do a quick glance of the method and it can be an instant turn-on or turn-off for me. Methods shouldn’t be essays, yes?? YES! Secondly, it…
Cheese and Sundried Tomato Pinwheels
Today I am sharing one of my favourite (and ridiculously easy) go-to party food recipes. They go by many names, but I call them pinwheels (made out of puff pastry). Highly popular, I am sure you have come across them already? But have you made them? That is the important question? Essentially, you get…
5-Star Vegetarian Stroganoff
Well hello 5-Star Vegetarian Stroganoff. Helloooo. Uhm does this look yummy or what? Do you see this pan of pasta and sauce right here. Got a visual? Well, it is roll-your-eyes-back-in-your-head tasty. It is also my new FAVOURITE sauce and soon to be your new FAVOURITE sauce too. My husband and I devoured this entire…
Roasted Carrot and Ginger Soup
So weatherwise for February we are actually doing quite well. Friday last week was a SCORCHER. A little “Hello Announcement” from February. I remember this well because we held our littlest boys birthday party on Friday and we had about 300 kids in our swimming pool and I was running around sweating like a gypsy…
Fiesta Quinoa
I watched a documentary called “Food Choices” a few weeks ago on Netflix (go watch it if you can!!) and ever since then, I’ve increased our “Meatless Mondays” into Wednesdays and Fridays too. Which basically means I need more vegetarian recipes (good ones) in my life! I wanted to share this one with you –…
Camembert with Fig and Pistachios
The thing with entertaining is that you want to serve something stylish but you don’t want to be in the kitchen for hours creating that style, right? Yes, I hear you. We speak the same language.
Potato Wedges with Sour Cream and Spring Onion Dip
Hello my friendies. How has February been to you? I’ll take that as Fabulous. February for me is party month. Two of my 3 boys have birthdays this month, so I have literally being partying since February 1st. Not that partying and party set-ups ever really leave me because of my work….I sell, amongst other digital products,…
Finally My Kids Approved this Tomato and Parmesan Soup
My kids can be fussy little shits sometimes. Yours? Flip. Yoh! They liked tomato soup….from Woolworths. But that “healthy homemade” Woolies soup had waaaaaaay too much sugar for my liking. We are really trying to eat more whole foods and less sugar these days and I thought I could surely replicate their favourite soup but…
Lemon and Rosemary Roast Potatoes
Good hearty potatoes. Roast potatoes. Roast baby potatoes with lemon butter and Rosemary. Crunchy on the top and soft on the inside. Lemon butter seeping into the heart of the potato. ~ Just imagine if Romeo and Juliet were foodies!! Hah! I think they would be whispering sweet nothings such as these to each other. I…
15 Minute Mushroom Alfredo Sauce
Following on from last week’s Creamy Smoked Salmon, Lemon and Dill Pasta which was so easy to make because, well, you just add everything to the pasta and stir through, I thought let us continue the trend! So…Tadaaaaa…..a 15 minute Mushroom Alfredo Pasta Sauce. It is a girlie dish I will admit. This means there…
Caramelised Onion, Brie and Cherry Tomato Tart
This is probably the hungriest I’ve ever been when writing a post. I think it may just have to do with the fact that there is pastry, brie, caramelised onion and roasted cherry tomatoes ALL in one dish. Yup, a Caramelised Onion, Brie and Cherry Tomato Tart! Making these roasted vegetable tarts is definitely one of…
20-Minute Leek and Potato Soup
I’m not getting out of bed today. It’s cold and misty and raining in Durban and I have absolutely nothing else to do today besides drink tea, page through magazines whilst toasting my toes next to the fire and writing a blog post and then possibly going for a little nap. Hah hah. I WISH….